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We are moving to a new portal - Corporate Connect!

As previously communicated by the bank, this customer portal is to be phased out and replaced with a new Mastercard portal. The different services move at different times, and to make the transition easier, we have created a separate page where you can find useful information about the move.

To access Corporate Connect, use the link that you can find on the bank's website.

The services are moved in stages, so if you have access to several services, you will use both Net's Customer Portal and Corporate Connect during a transition period. To make the transition easier, we have created an updated overview of:

  • Which services have already been moved
  • Planned date for other services
  • Status for services with "Postponed date", which is updated when a new date is set
TjenesteKundeportalCorporate Connect
KAR OnlinePostponed date,
TransaksjonshistorikkPostponed date
Betalinger (Direkte Remittering)Postponed date
eFaktura DashboardPostponed date
eFaktura FakturaarkivPostponed date
eFaktura WebfakturaPostponed date

Note! These dates are provisional and may be updated.

If you have problems logging in to Corporate Connect, please contact the bank.

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