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Click “Log in” on the top right corner to choose the Logon Method you wish to use to login to Mastercard Payment Services Customer Portal.

Note as per GDPR policy all the user who have not logged in to the portal for 365 days will be deleted from the system

eNett and Invoicing services are being moved to a new portal!

We would like to inform you that the eNett solution, which is used to send and retrieve files from Mastercard, is being replaced by Secure File Transfer (SFT) in a new portal. At the same time, the eFaktura services are being moved Arkiv and Dashboard from the Customer Portal to the same platform.

What does this mean for you as a user?

In the next few weeks, you will have access to the new portal. How you are transferred depends on the login method you use today:

If you do NOT use BankID:
  • You will receive an email invitation in week 7 to register in Mastercard Connect Nordics-portalen.

If you use BankID:Next step:
  1. You get access to the portal.

  2. Access to eFaktura-tjenestene in the new portal.

  3. Access to the new solution Secure File Transfer (SFT)
Steps 2 and 3 depend on which services you use today and which you will also be able to access in the new portal.

To make the transition easier, we have created an updated overview of:

  • Which services have already been moved
  • Planned date for other services
  • Status for services with "Postponed date", which is updated when a new date is set
TjenesteKundeportalCorporate Connect
Secure File Transfer (eNett)2025-04-08
eFaktura Dashboard2025-03-24
eFaktura Fakturaarkiv2025-03-24
eFaktura Webfaktura2025-03-24

MasterCard Payment services delivers payment and information solutions in Denmark and Norway and aims to cover the entire Nordic region.

MasterCard Payment Service (MPS) is Nets' Corporate Service division, which was sold to Mastercard on March 8 this year. Our history dates back to 1968. Our focus is on new opportunities, technologies and security. We strive to make payment and information management as simple and efficient as possible.

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